Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Knjiga koja nudiste prikazuje kao Swingere
Na prvi pogled knjiga "Želite li da spavate sa mojom ženom?" ne govori da li se radi o memoarima potkrpljenim činjenicama ili je čista izmišljotina.
U knjizi ”Želite li da spavate sa mojom ženom?”, bivši stanovnik Tampe Tom Keli daje detalje o svom putovanju u svet swinga kao muškarac samac. „Želite li da spavate sa mojom ženom?” je satirični roman baziran na istinitim događajima i stilu života Toma Kelija, mladića koji je, na svojoj potrazi za samo-ispunjenjem zakoračio u nudističko- swingersku kulturu.
Kelijeva avantura započinje nakon života u nesrećnoj jezi sa fanatičnom devojkom koja pokušava da uguši njegovu želju da bude neprekidno okružen golim ženama. Ovo ga na kraju dovodi u poziciju da nudistička odmarališta koja posećuju swingeri ...
Knjiga se završava na skoro neverovatan način, s oralnim seksom u bazenu punom golih swingera.
Kad je imao dvadeset i pet godina Tom Keli odlučuje da se iz Severne Virdžinije preseli u Fort Loderdejl, Florida, gde živi njegova devojka, Deniz, koja mu nudi mesto boravka. Rođen i odrastao u nudističkoj porodici, Tom je postao ono što jedino može u tom okruženju- stručnjak za gledanje golih tela iz različitih uglova. Pošto je proveo dva nesrećna meseca u Fort Marianna Tom je odlučio da ispuni svoj san i otputuje u nudističku koloniju, gde završava gradu greha- tačnije na vratima nudističkog odmarališta. Tom postaje menadžer odmarališta i tako ulazi u svet swingera, u kojem zapada u mnogobrojne duhovite i smešne situacije.
„Želite li da spavate sa mojom ženom?” je pun smeha, iznenađenja i erotike, sve nudeći intrigantan i fascinantan uvid u swingerski način života.
Ako je "zasnovan" na istinitim događajima, daje više mogućnosti Tomu Keliju i sprovođenju njegovih snova, ali je još više katastrofalan PR za nudizam.
Cenzura na Američki način
U Americi je početkom leta, objavljena knjiga pod nazivom "Najbolje svetske nudističke plaže i odmarališta". Ovaj jedinstveni turistički vodič za naturiste delo je autorskog tima Mike Charles, Judi Ditzler, Nicky Hoffman Lee, Mark Storey i Nick Mayhew-Smith a objavilo ga je The Naturist Society (TNS), dakle vodič je objavljen od strane uglednog izdavača, informativan i 100% legalan zbog čega bi trebalo da se nalazi i u javnim bibliotekama u kojima ljudi imaju pravo da biraju šta će čitati.
Ali šta se desilo, jedan od autora knjigu je poklonio svojoj lokalnoj biblioteci, nekon što im je skrenuta pažnja da bi je trebalo staviti u deo za odrasle, biblioteka je odlučila da ne prihvati knjigu, pod izgovorom da je to dobra informativna knjige, ali da nemaju mesta za nju. Drugim rečima, oni nisu želeli da je stave u deo vodiča, ali ni u deo za odrasle.
Od 1948. sve biblioteke u Americi rade po Zakonu o bibliotekama koji se "vodi filozofijom slobode i profesionalizma bibliotekarstva u demokratskim društvima". Osnovni postulat kojim bi biblioteke trebalo da se vode u svom radu su da "knjige i drugi bibliotekarski izvori treba da obezbede interes, informacije i prosvetljenje svih ljudi u zajednici kojima biblioteka služi” te zbog toga ne bi trebale biti isključene zbog porekla, pozadina, pogleda ili mišljenja onih koji su doprineli njihovom stvaranju, prosto rečeno biblioteke ne bi trebalo da se ponašaju kao cenzori. Drugi postulat kojim bi trebalo da se biblioteke vode je taj da trebaju izazivati cenzuru, a ne da je nametnu.
Verovatno bi bilo u redu, a možda se odgovor i nalazi u tome da postoje necenzurisane knjige i DVD-ovi za naturiste, ali isto tako da postoje cenzurisane verzije i to samo u slučaju da je to zahtev ne-naturista.
Žao mi je, ali to je potpuno pogrešno, odgovor ne leži u tome, jer cenzure je mnogo i svuda, tako kompanija Google ima svoje standarde i uslove, i može u suštini zabraniti pristup svakom blogu iz bilo kog razloga ako smatra da je to neophodno. Facebook je nedavno zabrano slike majki dok doje svoju decu, iako su ovakve fotografije veoma rasprostranjene i iako ljudi protestuju i podižu glas protiv takvih akcija, cenzura ostaje.
Ali biblioteke su stvorene da služe javnosti i spadaju pod Prvi amandman američkog Ustava. Amerikanci imaju slobodu da pročitaju ili vide šta god hoće u okviru zakona. ACLU web stranica je tu da štiti slobodu govora u filmovima, knjigama, muzici i online.
Pokazatelj porasti cenzure u americi je i to da kancelarije za intelektualnu slobodu američke asocijacije biblioteka (ALA), svake godine dobija stotine izveštaja o knjigama i drugim materijalima koje "prozivaju" (traže njihovo sklanjene iz škola i biblioteka). ALA procenjuje da ovaj broj predstavlja tek četvrtinu od stvarnog broja. Većina „proziva" knjige o popularnom Hariju Poteru, fantazije za decu od J.K. Rouling. Serija žalbi od roditelj i drugih se odnosi na to da knjiga promoviše veštičarenje i magiju.
Nudisti i naturisti treba da ustanu i bore se i ne podležu cenzuri i da se radi sa organizacijama kao što su INF i Naturist Action Committee (NAC) da se ova knjige sličnog sadržaja nađu u bibliotekama, kako u Americi tako i u Evropi, pa zašto ne i kod nas u Srbiji.
Nudisti odbojkaši
Pozitivno, zabavno, a i zasigurno će doći mnogo publike, i ma koliko se igrači trudili ona neće uspeti da promeni negativne stavove i neznanje o nudizmu i ljudskom telu.
Pojedina svetska odmarališta organizuju i turnire u nudističkoj odobjci u kojima ima mnogo učesnika ali još više publike.
Da kažem nešto o samoj igri. Dva tima, svaki tim broji po tri igrača, s tim da moraju biti zastupljena oba pola, odnos nije važan, bitna je zastupljenost, igra se po pravilima odbojke koja su svima poznata, za sankcionisanje onih ko prekrši pravila zadužen je sudija, koji je takođe nag, dok je kvalitet igre veoma visok.
Mnogobrojna publika glasno bodri svoje timove. Da je bar tako i kod nas, da bar ima nečega ovakvog?
Bilo kako bilo ovakva vrsta publiciteta, iako još uvek manja nego idealna, doprinela bi stvaranju bolje slike o nudistima i našim aktivnostima.
Monday, 27 December 2010
Prednosti i mane poziranja nag
Ne treba shvatiti previše ozbiljno, ali ipak je zanimljivo, a i mene je podstaklo na razmišljanje, a razmislite i Vi kakav komentar biste imali za momka koji se protivi tome da mu devojka pozira naga na času umetnosti.
Ester, studentkinja koja pozira kao akt na časovima slikarstva i vajarstva kaže: „Vi očigledno nikada u životu niste bili na času crtanja. Da vam opišem scenu. Tvoja devojka leži na stolu prekrivenom belim pokrivačem svom umazanom različitom bojom... stvarno ne mogu zamisliti goru neerotsku scenu koja uključuje golo telo.”
Nirpal, njen momak kaže: „U svako slučaju nago poziranje je samo egzibicionizam... Iz raznih studija o golotinji video sam da moji prijatelji umetnici, ljudi koji poziraju za njih su generalno slabi i neprivlačani, uz mahnito previše dlaka po telu."
Pa kakv je vaš komentar na mišljenje ova dva navodna "eksperta" i kakav je vaš sud, da li je Ester u pravu, da li su časovi umetnosti u suprotnosti sa erotskim?
Predstava samo za nudiste
U petak, 22. maja publika, je na jedinstvenoj predstavi u pozorištu u Buenos Airesu u garderobi morala ostaviti svu odjeću, uključujući i gaćice, košulje i grudnjake, jer je predstava rezervisana za nudiste. Mogli su zadržati samo peškir kojima su prekrivali stolice, malu torbicu, a najzimogrozniji i cipele i čarape.
Predstava "Razgolićena Bernarda Alba", adaptacija je komada "Dom Bernarda Albe" Federika Garsije Lorke za koju je planirano da bude izvedena samo jednom, a koja već dve godine igra u Buenos Airesu svoj uspjeh delomično može zahvaliti i činjenici što čak sedam likova na pozornicu stupa bez odeće. Količina golotinje na predstavi dodatno će se povećati budući da su dvojica mesnih naturista izabrala da zakupi dvoranu i komad prikaže za oko 200 gledalaca koji će imati čast prisustvovati predstavi zatvorenoj za medije.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Amrita Arora personal 2010 pics
Amrita Arora (Punjabi: ਅਮ੍ਰਿਤਾ ਅਰੋੜਾ, MalayalamHindi: अमृता अरोड़ा; born 31 January 1981) is a Bollywood actresContents
* 1 Personal life and education
* 2 Career
* 3 Filmography
* 4 References
* 5 External links
Personal life and education
Arora was born in Mumbai to a Malayali mother, Joyce Polycarp, and a Punjabi father, Anil Arora. Her sister is Malaika Arora Khan.Arora had a Christian wedding ceremony with boyfriend, Shakeel Ladak on 4 March 2009 and also had a traditional Muslim nikaah. Reportedly due to her pregnancy, she was dropped from UTV's film, Season's Greetings. She gave birth to a baby boy named Azaan on 5 February 2010 CareerArora made her Bollywood debut in 2002 opposite Fardeen Khan in the film, Kitne Door Kitne Paas, which was not successful at the box office. Her first successful film was the action comedy, Awara Paagal Deewana. A series of flops followed, among them the controversial Girlfriend (2004), about a lesbian relationship, in which she appeared opposite Isha Koppikar.In 2007, She made a special appearance in Farah Khan's film, Om Shanti Om in a song named Deewangi Deewangi along with her sister and brother-in-law Arbaaz Khan. In the same year, she appeared in Speed and Red: The Dark Side, also starring Aftab Shivdasani and Celina Jaitley. The films received mixed reviews at the box office.
In 2009, Her releases were Deha and Team the Force. The same year, she appeared in a supporting role in Kambakth Ishq, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. She also appeared with her sister on the show Koffee with Karan, hosted by Karan Johar. Filmography
Year Film[5] Role Other Notes
2002 Kitne Door Kitne Paas Karishma
2002 Awara Paagal Deewana Mona
2003 Ek Aur Ek Gyarah Priti
2003 Zameen Special Appearance in the song Pyar Tera Delli Ki Sardi
2004 Shart: The Challenge Saryu
2004 Girlfriend Sapna
2004 Mujhse Shaadi Karogi Romi Special Appearance
2004 Rakht: What If You Can See the Future Natasha
2006 Deha Released in 2007
2006 Fight Club - Members Only Sonali
2007 Red: The Dark Side
2007 Heyy Babyy Herself Special Appearance in the song Heyy Babyy
2007 Speed Sameera
2007 Om Shanti Om Herself Special Appearance in the song Deewangi Deewangi
2008 Hello Radhika
2008 Heroes Priya
2008 Golmaal Returns Esha
2009 Kambakth Ishq Kamini Sandu
2009 Team - The Force Riya
2010 Raakh
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
Amrita Arora
* 1 Personal life and education
* 2 Career
* 3 Filmography
* 4 References
* 5 External links
Personal life and education
Arora was born in Mumbai to a Malayali mother, Joyce Polycarp, and a Punjabi father, Anil Arora. Her sister is Malaika Arora Khan.Arora had a Christian wedding ceremony with boyfriend, Shakeel Ladak on 4 March 2009 and also had a traditional Muslim nikaah. Reportedly due to her pregnancy, she was dropped from UTV's film, Season's Greetings. She gave birth to a baby boy named Azaan on 5 February 2010 CareerArora made her Bollywood debut in 2002 opposite Fardeen Khan in the film, Kitne Door Kitne Paas, which was not successful at the box office. Her first successful film was the action comedy, Awara Paagal Deewana. A series of flops followed, among them the controversial Girlfriend (2004), about a lesbian relationship, in which she appeared opposite Isha Koppikar.In 2007, She made a special appearance in Farah Khan's film, Om Shanti Om in a song named Deewangi Deewangi along with her sister and brother-in-law Arbaaz Khan. In the same year, she appeared in Speed and Red: The Dark Side, also starring Aftab Shivdasani and Celina Jaitley. The films received mixed reviews at the box office.
In 2009, Her releases were Deha and Team the Force. The same year, she appeared in a supporting role in Kambakth Ishq, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. She also appeared with her sister on the show Koffee with Karan, hosted by Karan Johar. Filmography
Year Film[5] Role Other Notes
2002 Kitne Door Kitne Paas Karishma
2002 Awara Paagal Deewana Mona
2003 Ek Aur Ek Gyarah Priti
2003 Zameen Special Appearance in the song Pyar Tera Delli Ki Sardi
2004 Shart: The Challenge Saryu
2004 Girlfriend Sapna
2004 Mujhse Shaadi Karogi Romi Special Appearance
2004 Rakht: What If You Can See the Future Natasha
2006 Deha Released in 2007
2006 Fight Club - Members Only Sonali
2007 Red: The Dark Side
2007 Heyy Babyy Herself Special Appearance in the song Heyy Babyy
2007 Speed Sameera
2007 Om Shanti Om Herself Special Appearance in the song Deewangi Deewangi
2008 Hello Radhika
2008 Heroes Priya
2008 Golmaal Returns Esha
2009 Kambakth Ishq Kamini Sandu
2009 Team - The Force Riya
2010 Raakh

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kareena kapoor in kurbaan top stars
Kareena Kapoor (Hindi: करीना कपूर, pronouncedborn on September 21, 1980) often informally referred to as Bebo,is an Indian actress who appears in Bollywood films. During her career, Kapoor has received five Filmfare Awards and has been noted for her performances in a range of film genres; these include her work from contemporary romantic dramas to comedies, period films to major Bollywood productions, as well as less publicised independent films.
Born into a family where both her parents, Randhir Kapoor and Babita, and her elder sister Karisma were actors, Kapoor faced the media spotlight from a very young age, but did not make her acting debut until the 2000 film Refugee. Her melodrama Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... became India's highest-grossing film in the overseas market in 2001, and is one of her biggest commercial successes to date After receiving negative reviews for a series of repetitive roles, Kapoor accepted more demanding parts in order to avoid being typecast and was consequently recognized by critics for displaying greater versatility as an actress. Her portrayal of a sex worker in Chameli (2004) proved to be the turning point in her career and she was later noted for her performances in the critically acclaimed Dev (2004) and Omkara (2006).In 2007, Kapoor received her first Filmfare Award for Best Actress for her performance in Jab We Met, a romantic comedy directed by Imtiaz Ali. She went on to play the lead female role in the thriller Kurbaan (2009), for which she earned critical acclaim, and the drama 3 Idiots (2009), which became the highest-grossing Bollywood film of all time. Having done so, Kapoor has established herself as a leading actress of the Hindi film industry In addition to movie acting, Kapoor is a regular stage performer and has launched her own clothing line in association with being the brand ambassador for the retail chain Globus. Her off-screen life, including her relationship with actor Saif Ali Khan, is the subject of wide media coverage in India
Contents* 1 Early life and background
* 2 Acting career
o 2.1 Debut and breakthrough (2000–03)
o 2.2 Critical acclaim (2004–06)
o 2.3 Jab We Met and other works (2007–present)
* 3 Off-screen work
o 3.1 Stage performances
o 3.2 Humanitarian work
o 3.3 Clothing line
* 4 In the media
* 5 Filmography
* 6 References
* 7 Further reading
* 8 External linksEarly life and backgroundSee also: Kapoor familyBorn in Mumbai, India, on September 21, 1980, into the Kapoor film family, Kapoor is the youngest daughter of actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita (née Shivdasani); her elder sister Karisma Kapoor, is also an actress. She is the granddaughter of actor and filmmaker Raj Kapoor, great-granddaughter of actor Prithviraj Kapoor, and niece of actor Rishi Kapoor According to Kapoor, the name "Kareena" was derived from the book Anna Karenina, which her mother read while she was pregnant with her Often informally referred to as Bebo she is of Punjabi Khatri descent from her father's side,and on her mother's side she is SindhiAs a child, she had strong aspirations to become an actress, and was particularly inspired by watching the films of Bollywood actresses Nargis and Meena Kumari Kapoor, who describes herself as a "very naught spoilt child", would regularly dress up in her mother's clothes and perform in front of the mirror Despite her family background, her father disapproved of women entering the acting profession because he believed it conflicted with the traditional maternal duties and responsibility of women in the family. This led to a conflict between her parents and resulted in Kapoor's mother leaving the house with her two daughters After her parents' separation, she was raised in Lokhandwala by her mother, who worked several jobs to support her daughters until Karisma debuted as an actress in 1991 In an interview with Vir Sanghvi, Kapoor said that growing up in a household filled with women helped her become strong and independent Following her parents' reconciliation in October 2007Kapoor explained that they "were never officially divorced Asked about the relationship she shared with her father, Kapoor remarked, "My father is ... an important factor in my lifethough we did not see him often in our initial years, we are a family nowKapoor attended Jamnabai Narsee School in Mumbai before progressing to Welham Girls Boarding School in DehradunShe later recalled, "I learnt so much from being at Welham", and described her experience there as "one of the finest parts of my lif According to Kapoor, she was a good student and received first-class honours in all subjects except mathematics Upon graduating from the boarding school, she studied commerce for two years at Mithibai College in Vile Parle, Mumbai, but later confessed that she only studied there because she was close to her family Kapoor then registered for a three-month summer course in microcomputers at Harvard University in the United StatesShe later developed an interest in law and enrolled at the Government Law College in Churchgate; during this period she became immersed in law books and developed a long-lasting passion for readingHowever, after completing one year at Churchgate, Kapoor realized that she was not inclined towards academics and returned to her initial plan to become an actressShe began training at an acting institute in Andheri, mentored by Kishore Namit Kapoor, a member of the Film and Television Institute of India Acting careerDebut and breakthrough (2000–03)Kapoor was initially scheduled to make her debut in Rakesh Roshan's Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai (2000), opposite the director's son Hrithik Roshan Several days into the filming, however, she abandoned the project and later explained that, "it was probably destined that I was not to be in the film. After all, it was a launch for his son. The whole focus was on the boy. Now I am glad I did not do the movie
She made her debut later that year in J.P. Dutta's war drama Refugee, alongside Abhishek Bachchan. Set during the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971, the film centers on a man known simply as "Refugee", who illegally transports civilians back and forth across the Indo-Pakistani border. Kapoor portrayed Naaz, a Bangladeshi girl who falls in love with Refugee while illegally migrating to Pakistan with her family. Her performance was acclaimed by critics; Taran Adarsh of Bollywood Hungama wrote that Kapoor "has a magnetic personality, which will make the viewer fall in love with her instantly. What surprises you is the ease with which she emotes the most difficult of scenes There is no denying the fact that she is a natural performer who is very camera friendly On the experience of making her first film, she described it as "...toughalso a great learning experience Refugee became the fifth highest-grossing film in India in 2000and Kapoor's performance earned her the Filmfare Award for Best Female DebuIn 2001, Kapoor appeared opposite Tusshar Kapoor in the romantic drama Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai, which became one of the highest earners of the year A review in The Hindu, in regards to her performance, noted that she was "definitely the actress to watch out for, if her debut with Abhishek in Refugee and now Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai are any indication Kareena shines throughout the flick, with the grace of a seasoned sizzler already next starred in Subhash Ghai's family drama Yaadein alongside Jackie Shroff and Hrithik Roshan. The drama centers on the character of Raj Singh Puri, a middle-class man, and his daughters' marriages. Kapoor played the part of the youngest daughter and Roshan's love interest, Isha Singh Puri. The film was met with negative reactions from reviewers and garnered poor box office returns.Kapoor then appeared in the Abbas-Mustan thriller Ajnabee. The feature was adapted from the 1992 American thriller film Consenting Adults, and was a moderate box office success in IndiaLater in the year, she starred in Santosh Sivan's period epic Asoka, a partly fictionalized account of the life of Ashoka the Great. It was widely screened across the United Kingdom and North America, and was also selected for screening at the Venice Film Festival and the 2001 Toronto International Film Festiva Featured opposite Shahrukh Khan who played Ashoka, Kapoor portrayed the character of Kaurwaki, a princess of Kalinga with whom Ashoka falls in love, and received her first Filmfare Best Actress nominationWhile the film received generally positive reviews, Kapoor's performance received a mixed reaction from critics. concluded that "while a large portion of the first half is focused on the emerging romance between the runaway prince and herself and to their credit they do manage to whip up some on-screen chemistry, I am still unsure as to her acting abilities."[30] Meanwhile, David Rooney from Variety wrote, "Kapoor plays ornately tattooed Kaurwaki as a lively mix of flirtatious coquette and feisty warrior woman, kind of like J.Lo meets Michelle YeohKapoor's final release of 2001 was Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham..., a melodrama, in which she was featured as part of an ensemble cast that included Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Kajol and Hrithik Roshan. Directed by Karan Johar, the movie was a major financial and critical success and became India's second highest-grossing film of the year, as well as Kapoor's highest-grossing movie up until then. It also performed well internationally and became the biggest Bollywood success of all time in the overseas market up until then, earning over Indian Rupee1,000 million (US$22.1 million) worldwide Kapoor's performance as "Poo", a good-natured but superficial girl, was described as "one of the main ... highlights of the filand her portrayal earned her a Filmfare Best Supporting Actress nominatioDuring 2002 and 2003, Kapoor experienced a setback in her career. She was in six films—Mujhse Dosti Karoge!, Jeena Sirf Merre Liye, Talaash: The Hunt Begins..., Khushi, Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon, and the four-hour war epic LOC Kargil—all of which proved critically and commercially unsuccessful in India Kapoor's performances were often identified by critics as unoriginal and repetitive, with little inspiration They expressed concern that she was becoming typecast, but these negative reviews were fundamental in motivating her to improve her integrity as an actress in subsequent years by accepting more demanding role
Critical acclaim
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor

kareena kapoor
Born into a family where both her parents, Randhir Kapoor and Babita, and her elder sister Karisma were actors, Kapoor faced the media spotlight from a very young age, but did not make her acting debut until the 2000 film Refugee. Her melodrama Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... became India's highest-grossing film in the overseas market in 2001, and is one of her biggest commercial successes to date After receiving negative reviews for a series of repetitive roles, Kapoor accepted more demanding parts in order to avoid being typecast and was consequently recognized by critics for displaying greater versatility as an actress. Her portrayal of a sex worker in Chameli (2004) proved to be the turning point in her career and she was later noted for her performances in the critically acclaimed Dev (2004) and Omkara (2006).In 2007, Kapoor received her first Filmfare Award for Best Actress for her performance in Jab We Met, a romantic comedy directed by Imtiaz Ali. She went on to play the lead female role in the thriller Kurbaan (2009), for which she earned critical acclaim, and the drama 3 Idiots (2009), which became the highest-grossing Bollywood film of all time. Having done so, Kapoor has established herself as a leading actress of the Hindi film industry In addition to movie acting, Kapoor is a regular stage performer and has launched her own clothing line in association with being the brand ambassador for the retail chain Globus. Her off-screen life, including her relationship with actor Saif Ali Khan, is the subject of wide media coverage in India
Contents* 1 Early life and background
* 2 Acting career
o 2.1 Debut and breakthrough (2000–03)
o 2.2 Critical acclaim (2004–06)
o 2.3 Jab We Met and other works (2007–present)
* 3 Off-screen work
o 3.1 Stage performances
o 3.2 Humanitarian work
o 3.3 Clothing line
* 4 In the media
* 5 Filmography
* 6 References
* 7 Further reading
* 8 External linksEarly life and backgroundSee also: Kapoor familyBorn in Mumbai, India, on September 21, 1980, into the Kapoor film family, Kapoor is the youngest daughter of actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita (née Shivdasani); her elder sister Karisma Kapoor, is also an actress. She is the granddaughter of actor and filmmaker Raj Kapoor, great-granddaughter of actor Prithviraj Kapoor, and niece of actor Rishi Kapoor According to Kapoor, the name "Kareena" was derived from the book Anna Karenina, which her mother read while she was pregnant with her Often informally referred to as Bebo she is of Punjabi Khatri descent from her father's side,and on her mother's side she is SindhiAs a child, she had strong aspirations to become an actress, and was particularly inspired by watching the films of Bollywood actresses Nargis and Meena Kumari Kapoor, who describes herself as a "very naught spoilt child", would regularly dress up in her mother's clothes and perform in front of the mirror Despite her family background, her father disapproved of women entering the acting profession because he believed it conflicted with the traditional maternal duties and responsibility of women in the family. This led to a conflict between her parents and resulted in Kapoor's mother leaving the house with her two daughters After her parents' separation, she was raised in Lokhandwala by her mother, who worked several jobs to support her daughters until Karisma debuted as an actress in 1991 In an interview with Vir Sanghvi, Kapoor said that growing up in a household filled with women helped her become strong and independent Following her parents' reconciliation in October 2007Kapoor explained that they "were never officially divorced Asked about the relationship she shared with her father, Kapoor remarked, "My father is ... an important factor in my lifethough we did not see him often in our initial years, we are a family nowKapoor attended Jamnabai Narsee School in Mumbai before progressing to Welham Girls Boarding School in DehradunShe later recalled, "I learnt so much from being at Welham", and described her experience there as "one of the finest parts of my lif According to Kapoor, she was a good student and received first-class honours in all subjects except mathematics Upon graduating from the boarding school, she studied commerce for two years at Mithibai College in Vile Parle, Mumbai, but later confessed that she only studied there because she was close to her family Kapoor then registered for a three-month summer course in microcomputers at Harvard University in the United StatesShe later developed an interest in law and enrolled at the Government Law College in Churchgate; during this period she became immersed in law books and developed a long-lasting passion for readingHowever, after completing one year at Churchgate, Kapoor realized that she was not inclined towards academics and returned to her initial plan to become an actressShe began training at an acting institute in Andheri, mentored by Kishore Namit Kapoor, a member of the Film and Television Institute of India Acting careerDebut and breakthrough (2000–03)Kapoor was initially scheduled to make her debut in Rakesh Roshan's Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai (2000), opposite the director's son Hrithik Roshan Several days into the filming, however, she abandoned the project and later explained that, "it was probably destined that I was not to be in the film. After all, it was a launch for his son. The whole focus was on the boy. Now I am glad I did not do the movie
She made her debut later that year in J.P. Dutta's war drama Refugee, alongside Abhishek Bachchan. Set during the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971, the film centers on a man known simply as "Refugee", who illegally transports civilians back and forth across the Indo-Pakistani border. Kapoor portrayed Naaz, a Bangladeshi girl who falls in love with Refugee while illegally migrating to Pakistan with her family. Her performance was acclaimed by critics; Taran Adarsh of Bollywood Hungama wrote that Kapoor "has a magnetic personality, which will make the viewer fall in love with her instantly. What surprises you is the ease with which she emotes the most difficult of scenes There is no denying the fact that she is a natural performer who is very camera friendly On the experience of making her first film, she described it as "...toughalso a great learning experience Refugee became the fifth highest-grossing film in India in 2000and Kapoor's performance earned her the Filmfare Award for Best Female DebuIn 2001, Kapoor appeared opposite Tusshar Kapoor in the romantic drama Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai, which became one of the highest earners of the year A review in The Hindu, in regards to her performance, noted that she was "definitely the actress to watch out for, if her debut with Abhishek in Refugee and now Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai are any indication Kareena shines throughout the flick, with the grace of a seasoned sizzler already next starred in Subhash Ghai's family drama Yaadein alongside Jackie Shroff and Hrithik Roshan. The drama centers on the character of Raj Singh Puri, a middle-class man, and his daughters' marriages. Kapoor played the part of the youngest daughter and Roshan's love interest, Isha Singh Puri. The film was met with negative reactions from reviewers and garnered poor box office returns.Kapoor then appeared in the Abbas-Mustan thriller Ajnabee. The feature was adapted from the 1992 American thriller film Consenting Adults, and was a moderate box office success in IndiaLater in the year, she starred in Santosh Sivan's period epic Asoka, a partly fictionalized account of the life of Ashoka the Great. It was widely screened across the United Kingdom and North America, and was also selected for screening at the Venice Film Festival and the 2001 Toronto International Film Festiva Featured opposite Shahrukh Khan who played Ashoka, Kapoor portrayed the character of Kaurwaki, a princess of Kalinga with whom Ashoka falls in love, and received her first Filmfare Best Actress nominationWhile the film received generally positive reviews, Kapoor's performance received a mixed reaction from critics. concluded that "while a large portion of the first half is focused on the emerging romance between the runaway prince and herself and to their credit they do manage to whip up some on-screen chemistry, I am still unsure as to her acting abilities."[30] Meanwhile, David Rooney from Variety wrote, "Kapoor plays ornately tattooed Kaurwaki as a lively mix of flirtatious coquette and feisty warrior woman, kind of like J.Lo meets Michelle YeohKapoor's final release of 2001 was Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham..., a melodrama, in which she was featured as part of an ensemble cast that included Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Kajol and Hrithik Roshan. Directed by Karan Johar, the movie was a major financial and critical success and became India's second highest-grossing film of the year, as well as Kapoor's highest-grossing movie up until then. It also performed well internationally and became the biggest Bollywood success of all time in the overseas market up until then, earning over Indian Rupee1,000 million (US$22.1 million) worldwide Kapoor's performance as "Poo", a good-natured but superficial girl, was described as "one of the main ... highlights of the filand her portrayal earned her a Filmfare Best Supporting Actress nominatioDuring 2002 and 2003, Kapoor experienced a setback in her career. She was in six films—Mujhse Dosti Karoge!, Jeena Sirf Merre Liye, Talaash: The Hunt Begins..., Khushi, Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon, and the four-hour war epic LOC Kargil—all of which proved critically and commercially unsuccessful in India Kapoor's performances were often identified by critics as unoriginal and repetitive, with little inspiration They expressed concern that she was becoming typecast, but these negative reviews were fundamental in motivating her to improve her integrity as an actress in subsequent years by accepting more demanding role
Critical acclaim

















kareena kapoor
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